Frequently Asked Questions – Employee Engagement
How do you define employee engagement?
Employee engagement is that voluntary connection that exists between the employee and the company. The employee-manager relationship is at the center of employee engagement.
Why should employee engagement be important for my business?
High levels of employee engagement usually translate into higher revenues for the business and stronger company brand.
How can I know how engaged are my employees?
You may use one of many engagement surveys available. You may also obtain very valuable information about how engaged are your employees by interacting with them. You may find additional suggestions in our book “Cutting Through the Noise: The Right Employee Engagement Strategies for You”.
After I know how engaged are my employees, what do I do?
We advocate that measuring employee engagement is one step among many that businesses need to take. It is important to analyze those results, which are, essentially, a snapshot of what is going on in the company at a particular time, and establish a viable action plan to address them. We can guide you as you interpret those results, communicate them to your employees, and establish corresponding action plans to address them.
I am the owner of a small business. Will I need to make a big investment to see results in employee engagement?
Employee engagement is the result of multiple factors. You do not need to make a major investment to see significant results. We can help you to identify and leverage the resources that you already have available to make a difference in the engagement of your employees.